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Diagnostic Radiology

Diagnostic radiology is an essential part of oral and maxillofacial surgery and is used to clarify, confirm, or rule out medical conditions. Our practice is therefore equipped with state-of-the-art X-ray machines. The three X-ray units allow us to produce simple images of teeth, panoramic X-rays (OPG), and three-dimensional images (CBCT) of the facial bones.

We attach great importance to producing the best possible images while exposing our patients to as little radiation as possible. We therefore have strict criteria to assess the necessity of an X-ray. We take this responsibility very seriously and undergo continuous further training in diagnostic radiology and radiation protection, even beyond the requirements of the law. For the best possible quality assurance, use of the X-ray units is supervised by a radiographer, as well as by us doctors.

Often, patients are referred to us by dental practices specifically for X-rays. In such cases, we give the patient the X-ray data on a DVD immediately afterwards or, if requested, send the DVD to the patient’s dentist. The colleagues who made the referral are, of course, welcome to evaluate the results with us by telephone or in person.